
The Three Chairs: Practicing the Prophetic

Several things I loved about today:

*We had fish for dinner. Ha! Good stuff...

*I was able to chat on the phone for 40 minutes with a revivalist girl from Michigan (who did 2 years of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry) and recently moved to the valley.
  • She just visited church on Sunday, and is coming back next Sunday. Her presence in Arizona and her interest in our church is SUCH an answer to prayer. One of the things Emily (my fellow revivalist buddy) and I pray for extremely often is for God to send us ready-made revivalists. And by "send us" I mean both to our church, as new members who want to get plugged in and help make things happen, OR as just part of the greater network of contacts and new friends we are building in the area. Whether this girl becomes part of our lives for the former reason, or for the latter reason (or both), it's going to be great having her around. I'm thrilled. I had a grin on my face the rest of the afternoon! I love answers to prayer. I love it that God hears our prayers, period. But then it's astounding to see just how specific he can get when he answers them. Such goodness. BTW - another thing Emily and I pray for is for God to send us those that are ready to be awakened to dreams of revival, destiny, and a supernatural move of God. So...not just the ready-made revivalists, ha! :) We want to help MAKE them, too!
*School of Supernatural Ministry started up again after we all had a bit of a summer break - and that was majorly fantastic. We had a group of around 30 students.  Kris Vallotton taught on the prophetic (not live, rather through a previously recorded DVD), and then we did an activity where we placed three chairs facing a wall, had three volunteers sit in them, and then the guy who runs it pointed at someone out of the rest of the students. The three volunteers in chairs, who couldn't see anything and didn't know who had been chosen, were to see if they got a prophetic word for that person. Two out of the three had a word, and once those had been shared, the lady who had been chosen explained to us how those words applied to her life. Pretty cool, huh?! I was glad that one of the brave volunteers didn't actually get something, or at least, didn't share it, only because hopefully that makes everyone realize that it is completely okay to not have anything! And practicing the prophetic is essential. It helps us identify how it is we hear the voice of God and feel his presence, and that way we can apply it out there in the "real world", where there's obviously not a contained, controlled environment for stepping out in the prophetic.

God is a rockstar!


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