
My Youth Kiddies

Tonight was one of those nights that just makes you swell with pride...

Per usual, my youth kids went around praying for each other and encouraging one another in the Lord.

Sadly, there aren't a lot of youth groups like this one.

I really think the Lord wants to change that!

So many focus on creating a really fun environment, with games and food and entertainment of all sorts. But there is nothing as CAPTIVATING as the presence of God, nothing to covet more than the touch of God, nothing to desire more than just to behold His face.

Who says fifteen-year-olds can't handle that?!  Mine can!

They are more bold than I am, by a LONG SHOT.

And so, we minister to one another, seeing emotional and physical healings, falling more in love with God and with our brothers and sisters in the body, and going out re-charged to take this world for Christ.

It's just....

too. much. fun. !!!


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